Friday, March 22, 2013

Ink Me

I love tattoos. 

I love them on me.

I love them other people.

Tattoos are works of art.  Tattoos tell stories. 

Many tattoos are pieces of our hearts that we put on the outside of our bodies. Pieces of who we really are and what really matters to us.

I've recently added one to my collection.  This one is, by far, my most personal and means the most to me.

As most, a few, none, all some of you know I am in the process of getting divorced. Although I haven't posted much on this blog I did write about it here.  Since I've stopped wearing my wedding ring (Yes, I could tell you the exact day) I've missed having a piece of my mother with me.  You see, the diamond setting in my wedding band was the diamond from my mother's wedding ring. So basically every day since May 3, 2003 I would look at my wedding ring and be reminded of the marriage vows I took to love,honor and cherish but I was also reminded of my mother.   Suddenly, it was  all gone.  The husband, the partner, the best friend  and that small connection to my mom just gone.  They might have left in very different ways but both exits left a hole in my heart so big and so wide I've often questioned how I will ever survive.

For years I have wanted to get some ink in honor of my mother and I decided what better time than right now. 

My latest tattoo.  It's on my wrist (Sorry dad, don't stay mad at me for too long..... I swear I am still a good kid).  Of course, I know I didn't really need the ring or the tattoo because my mom is with me mind, body, and spirit all the time.  I wanted something that on any given day when I felt alone, scared, and wondering exactly how I will survive I could look at this a find some peace. 

The  I love you  Love, Mom - is my mother's actual handwriting and this was taken directly from the last birthday card she gave me before she died.  The heart and flower are designs that from the card.  

I love everything about this tattoo. This a big piece of my heart for all of the world to see. 

It makes me smile.

It makes me want to live a life that my mother would be proud of.

It is helping me move on from a very painful event.

It gives me hope for the future.

Love and miss you Momma. XOXO