Wednesday, September 4, 2013

All those fairy tales are full of..............

You know how TV shows how three minute re-caps at the beginning of the new season? 
That is what this post is - and compacted detail free version of my story.  
It’s a simple story.  I’m not the first person to live it  and I surely won't be the last.

Once upon a time……..

Boy meets girl

Boy and Girl date

Boy and Girl fall in love

Boy and Girl move in together

Boy and Girl build a home

Boy and Girl get engaged

Boy and Girl get married

Boy and Girl have Baby #1 and Baby # 2

Boy and Girl move to Chicago

Boy forgets he is married

Boy gets a girlfriend (Insert appropriate derogatory name here)

Girl finds out

Girl gets a lawyer

Girl gets an apartment

Girl gets a U-Haul

Girl moves ‘home’

Girl & Boy get divorced

Boy keeps her– The End

Girl survived – The end? 

Nah, this is just the beginning.